Cinematic Demo

Small Cinematic Gameplay scene composed in UE4 inspired by How to Train Your Dragons 2 art book. Please explore more about the project snapshot further below.

Immortal Warrior

Developed AAA Game Character in-house for Portfolio.

Dawn of the Tyrant

Dawn of the Tyrant is a revolutionary chapter-based RPG that places the fate of an entire planet and the course of the unfolding storyline firmly into the hands of the players.

Hand Painted Low Poly Characters

Hand Painted Low-poly Characters for various genre Gaming.

Low-Poly Weapons

Low-Poly Weapon Models and Hand painted for all genre of Gaming.

3d game art
High-Poly Weapons

High-Poly Sci-Fi Weapons Models all genre of Gaming.

Nordic Village

Nordic Village. Game Level designed and developed by Kroftle Studios using Unreal 4 Engine.


Vehicles for all genre of Gamings. Designed and Developed by Kroftle Studios.

Stylised Characters

Stylised and Customised artwork for indie games and portfolios.